What is a PATENT?

Patent Registration is a legal procedure that provides inventors with exclusive ownership and usage rights for their product, service, or technology. This means the inventor has a monopoly over their creation for as long as the patent is valid. Inventors and businesses must safeguard their innovative ideas and stop others from using, selling, or making their inventions without permission.

  • Application for Patent Registration in Form-1.
  • Complete specifications in Form-2. If these are not available, a provisional specification can be used.
  • Statement and Undertaking in Form-3.
  • A declaration from the inventor regarding inventorship in Form-5.
  • Proof from the inventor demonstrating the right to file a Patent Registration application.
  • If a patent application is filed by a patent agent or attorney, a power of authority in Form-26 is required.
  • For convention applications (under the Paris Convention) or PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) national phase applications, submitting priority documents either with the initial application or within 18 months from the priority date is essential.
  • If the application relates to biological material obtained from India, permission from the National Biodiversity Authority is necessary.
  • Our consultant will assist you throughout the online Patent Registration process to avoid inaccuracy.
  • Our Patent Registration consultant will assist you in documentation for online Patent Registration certificate to ensure appropriate submission of documents because, as mentioned. Submission of inaccurate information can result in any action against the applicant under provisions of the Act.
  • Our Patent Registration consultants guarantee to provide you with complete assistance in fulfilling eligibility criteria as prescribed.
  • Our Patent Registration consultant guarantees to ensure proper follow-ups and acknowledgment by directly coordinating with officials to ensure accuracy in Patent Registration process.

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